Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Little Robot That Could

Ok so I came across this today and thought it was pretty cool. A little strange and creepy, but nonetheless cool. There's this geek-o-symposium happening down in San Fransico where homemade robots in wooden crates are preparing to duke it out. Kinda like a robot gladiator. Although it would be much more amusing if these robots really did duel to the death, with their little robot arms and little robot legs and the pegs which hold them together flying all over the place, I don't think what this is about. It's a contest to see who has the best 'homemade' robot. But I take you guessed that already being the intelligent creatures that you are. What sucks is that these robots can actually do stuff, much unlike the robot I created in Grade 4 out of cardboard and tinfoil. Robots are getting much more sophisticated nowadays. Maybe they could make one which would clean my pig-sty of a room regularly. But I probably wouldn't be able to figure out how it works. I live in a technological Ice Age. I have dial-up. I just got voicemail on my cellphone a couple of months ago. I still use my walkman. I wanted to put a video clip of this cool little guy Qrio who Sony invented but I couldn't figure out how. I tried, but really couldn't. So I attached the link instead. Even if you're not into all this fancy-schmancy techno-robot stuff, and I'm not trust me, you should check this out. This robot talks to kids. He can think. He's more intelligent than some humans. He can see colour and move around obstacles. Introducing the little robot that could...

Hint: watch the video where he has a full-out convo with some Japanese kids. Conichiwa.


At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow kasu... i'm impressed at your new-found interest in the internet!! If i didn't have to read the news every morning but rather come here instead that would be lovely. Thanks for the ditty about them robots.

At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that last comment, BTW, was me. Andrew. k bye.

At 5:32 PM, Blogger kasia said...

Andrew. thanks for the msg. I do not LOVE the internet as you put it. It is a mild LIKE, with the chance of bordering on obessesion.


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