Monday, March 28, 2005

Subway Solicitations and Other Monday Morning Faux-Pas

"Hey there."
I look up.
Oh no, please don't be talking to me.
"What's your name?" he says after a stupidly obvious once-over and an attempt at a wink.
Out comes my paranoid sensibility. Never tell a stranger your name.
I look away hoping that he'll get the hint and leave me alone. It's too early for this.
"My namesfemish." What? It doesn't matter. I nod politely and pretend to be enthralled by all the people walking by. He sticks out his hand. Ewww, gross. Please, please don't make me touch you.
"I wanted to ask you two things," he says after satisfying his need to spread all his germs into my palm. Great. Two things. As if I was acting interested or something.
"Do you want to buy some body products and do you have a boyfriend," he says in a mumbling manner. Body products? Like artifical limbs? No. Boyfriend? Yes, I lie.
But it doesn't end there. Of course, like many other solicitors, he continues to convince me that my non-existent boyfriend won't mind if we hook up.

This isn't him by the way

It's enough to make a rainy Monday morning that much more depressing. I don't know if it's just me, but situations like this are enough to make any girl feel uncomfortable. There is a fine line a subway picker-uper must not cross: Don't stand too close. Don't freak other person out by breathing on them. Don't solicit girls at 9 in the morning. Seems pretty obvious to me. But I guess it's not universal.
I was able to escape my solicitor by having my prayers answered for the subway to come as fast as possible. But it's not always that easy. Unwanted solictors are hard to shake off. It's a new breed of male, usually personified by googly-eyed old men you want nothing to do with. And I don't want to spread the wrong message here. Boys, it's completely cool to approach a girl in a public place.
Just don't be creepy about it.
And save it for after lunch.


At 6:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

once again, my plots have been foiled and a new lesson has been learned.

At 6:16 PM, Blogger kasia said...

Subway dude?

At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, is that really him? Anyway a little suggestion is some sort of embarrassment. That usually gets us guys running.

At 6:50 PM, Blogger kasia said...

No. Nothing would stop this guy.

At 7:17 PM, Blogger kasia said...


At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes creepy is definitely the wrong train by which to get to the 'love stop' in the honeycomb world of subway lines. actually, i don't even know if any trains can get to kasia's love stop. i think you need to get off in 'maybe i'll acknowledge your presence if you back off about 30 feet' land, and then walk a couple of blocks to the salon and ask to be made over to reflect the latest emo super star stylings, the pick up something like Alternative Press at the news stand to brush up on your emo-kid fashion sense and insecurities, as well as your skater-kid jargon, and then climb to the top floor of that super secure and exclusive building and pray that she doesn't throw you out the window before you even get in a word.
wow, i'm totally joking... pretty much. she's a kitten with only it's back claws left, but it had learnt how to climb trees backwards.
true story, i have a friend that had a cat with only it's back claws that climbed trees backwards. it just loved to climb trees that much

At 10:09 PM, Blogger kasia said...

yes. emo insecurities a must. and I'm managing pretty well with those back claws. but I'm not that much into trees i must say

At 10:11 PM, Blogger kasia said...

and I like how 'olex's' name is evolving. we go from olki. to olks. to olex...and more change and it'll be complete

At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

next time tell him that your interested. that you want to get married that following weekend, and want to have 10 kids!!
he'll disappear with the blink of an eye!


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